Feb 24 2015

The Overdue Divine Comedy Philharmonie de Paris Post!

Hello folks

So I waited way too long to post about the big Paris show but better late than never, hey?

On the 11th February The Divine Comedy took to the stage of the beautiful Philharmonie de Paris for our first big full band show in a fair old while. We did play a few festivals last year as a five-piece but we expanded to a much larger ensemble for this very special show.

Philharmonie de Paris #8

The Philharmonie was in fact so new that they’d barely finished building it from the outside but luckily the auditorium was fully functional and their brand-spanking new sound system was really quite special indeed.

Philharmonie de Paris Ext

As I mentioned in my previous post the entire gig was streamed live by the Arte channel. No pressure! I know a lot of you watched the live stream which was also available for the next week on Arte, and by all accounts it looked and sounded wonderful. We were all very pleased with the live show. The whole show is still available to watch on the Philharmonie website until 11th July. You should all check it out!

Philharmonie de Paris #9

In the meantime a few tasty crowd-shot videos have popped up on YouTube; here’s a few favourites…

Something For The Weekend

A Lady Of A Certain Age

Bang Goes The Knighthood

I posted a stack of photos on my Facebook page on the day, but here’s a little gallery for those of you that missed it…

I’m not sure what’s next with The Divine Comedy at this stage but I’m sure there’ll be some more shows later on this year. There will also be a new album at some point so watch this space! There has been plotting galore but we’re not quite there yet!

Until next time…

Feb 10 2015

The Divine Comedy Philharmonie Show Live Stream Tomorrow Night!

Good evening folks,

I’m about to head off to catch the tourbus over to Paris and I thought it would be prudent at this juncture to alert you to the fact that you will be able to stream tomorrow night’s big Paris show via the Arte website.

Philharmonie de Paris Ext

The Divine Comedy return once again to play the rather stunning Philharmonie de Paris tomorrow night to a sold out house so if you still want to see he show the live stream is your best bet. Located in the Parc de la Villette, the venue had it’s opening ceremony only a month ago so we’ll be one of the first bands to play there. Very cool indeed. I can’t wait to get a look at this place; the main hall looks a bit like this…

Grande salle - Philharmonie de Paris

Yikes. There will be pics. Our first set is at 8.30pm (that’s Paris time so 7.30 here in the UK) so make sure you’re tuned in. As far as I can tell at this stage the link for tomorrow’s live stream is HERE on the Arte website. If it turns out I’m wrong and you know better please post the link in the comments for everybody else. I might be busy…

Keep your eyes peeled on my Twitter feed and/or my Facebook page for the usual running commentary from the frontline! Wish us luck…


Jul 1 2013

The Duckworth Lewis Method Are Go!

We’re almost ready for take off folks…

Sticky Wickets Cover

The brand new album from The Duckworth Lewis Method is out today!! If you can find a record shop still standing (!) go out right now and grab yourself a copy. The band has a sparkly new website which looks fantastic and they put out a video for the first single It’s Just Not Cricket. It looks a bit like this…

Neil and Thomas has been busy doing a whole bunch of radio interviews. The best way to keep up with all their adventures is via Twitter I find, it gets updated regularly. Although wait until we’re on tour folks…

So our fist show is on Monday at Lord’s, then we’re at the Nottingham Playhouse on Tuesday. We’ll be playing at Electric Picnic in August and then the big tour starts at the end of September. here’s some dates for you…

  • Friday 20th September @ St. George’s Church, Brighton
  • Saturday 21st @ Shepherd’s Bush Empire
  • Tuesday 24th Oran Mor, Glasgow
  • Wednesday 25th The Sage, Gateshead
  • Thursday 26th Academy 2, Manchester
  • Friday 27th Brudenell Social Club, Leeds
  • Saturday 28th St Georges Hall, Bristol
  • Sunday 29th Glee Club, Birmingham

So there you go folks. We’re coming to a town near you in the very near future. Time to book some tickets I’d say. It’s going to be rather special. I’ve even bought a new hat for the occasion. See you there…