Hello folks,
For those of you that haven’t spotted it yet, I’ve been producing electronic music under the name Monochrome Echo for a few years now.
Today I’m releasing my second full-length album Nobody Is Looking At You worldwide and I need your support! It’s a collection of 14 tracks I’ve been working on over the last year or so. Jason Rebello guests on one track and the artwork is by the excellent artist StrateGo.Nine. Ta-da!

Big thanks to those of you that preordered the album on my Bandcamp page! The album is now also available to buy and/or stream in all digital stores worldwide including all the usual suspects (iTunes, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal etc). Personally I’d go to Bandcamp for the HD version. Plus you can also buy my full discography on bandcamp with a nifty 25% discount (£18.75 for the lot). Not to be sniffed at folks…
So, if you haven’t already, now’s the time to follow Monochrome Echo on Spotify, Twitter and Facebook.
After you’ve gone and bought the record obviously.
It’d also be an excellent time to add a few Monochrome Echo tracks to your electronic music playlists on Spotify. I’d start with Dot Matrix, Master Control Program and Look Both Ways (feat. Jason Rebello). They’re my favourites anyway. Spotify seems to have changed it’s discovery algorithm and forgotten what I sound like.
But most importantly it’s time to spread the word! You will know better than me who amongst your friends will be into my stuff. Please tell them about the record and share my links and posts on your Twitter feed, Facebook etc. It makes a big difference.
Anyway, without further ado, here’s the new album and I hope you like it!
Tell your mates!!
no comments | tags: artwork, bandcamp, Bandcamp, iTunes, Jason Rebello, Monochrome Echo, New Music, Nobody Is Looking At You, Simon Little, Spotify, stratego.nine | posted in Monochrome Echo, Music
Hello folks,
Well the time has come to start releasing new music once more. As you already know I’ve been toiling away on a bunch of new solo bass material here at Little Towers, trying to put together a new album to follow Mandala. As I mentioned in a previous post a couple of weeks ago, the intention was to put out a 10-track album plus a four track EP including the songs that didn’t quite fit on the record.

Well I’ve sorted the track listing for both the album (which is currently going under the title The Knowledge of Things To Come) and the EP and they both work a treat. Today I’ve been speaking to Steve Alexander (of Little Alex), who has agreed to master the EP sometime over the next week so you can expect a release announcement very soon.
This probably won’t mean much at this stage, but here’s the track listing for the Rejectamenta EP:
- feel for a pulse
- must get out [more]
- the rhythmatist
- lullabye
This will be the first release I’ve put out using my new Line 6/Looperlative setup, so I’m really excited to see what you all think of the new sounds I’m using. The music is quite different from Mandala, and sounds even less like a solo bass record. I’ve included some of the more ‘glitchy’ tracks from the sessions on the EP so you should get a good feel for what the forthcoming album will sound like. I’m going to release it exclusively via Bandcamp as a download only, using the ‘Pay What You Want’ model, ie; you can pay what you feel the music is worth to you as a listener (including for free). This is an experiment on my part really to see how that model works for niche music like mine and I’ll be blogging the results nearer the time of the album release, which should be in a few months time.
So, I shall leave you for now with a little album artwork preview. I put the cover together myself this time using the excellent free Gimp image-manipulation software, which I would heartily recommend to anyone currently engaged in such activities without the aid of a Photoshop-style safety net.
Until next time…

2 comments | tags: artwork, EP, Line 6, Little Alex, Looperlative, New Music, Pod X3 Pro, rejectamenta, Rejectamenta EP, Simon Little, solo bass, Solo Bass, Steve Alexander, The Knowledge of Things To Come | posted in Looping, Music, Recording, Rejectamenta EP, The Knowledge of Things To Come