Hello folks,
For those of you that haven’t spotted it yet, I’ve been producing electronic music under the name Monochrome Echo for a few years now.
Today I’m releasing my second full-length album Nobody Is Looking At You worldwide and I need your support! It’s a collection of 14 tracks I’ve been working on over the last year or so. Jason Rebello guests on one track and the artwork is by the excellent artist StrateGo.Nine. Ta-da!

Big thanks to those of you that preordered the album on my Bandcamp page! The album is now also available to buy and/or stream in all digital stores worldwide including all the usual suspects (iTunes, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal etc). Personally I’d go to Bandcamp for the HD version. Plus you can also buy my full discography on bandcamp with a nifty 25% discount (£18.75 for the lot). Not to be sniffed at folks…
So, if you haven’t already, now’s the time to follow Monochrome Echo on Spotify, Twitter and Facebook.
After you’ve gone and bought the record obviously.
It’d also be an excellent time to add a few Monochrome Echo tracks to your electronic music playlists on Spotify. I’d start with Dot Matrix, Master Control Program and Look Both Ways (feat. Jason Rebello). They’re my favourites anyway. Spotify seems to have changed it’s discovery algorithm and forgotten what I sound like.
But most importantly it’s time to spread the word! You will know better than me who amongst your friends will be into my stuff. Please tell them about the record and share my links and posts on your Twitter feed, Facebook etc. It makes a big difference.
Anyway, without further ado, here’s the new album and I hope you like it!
Tell your mates!!
no comments | tags: artwork, bandcamp, Bandcamp, iTunes, Jason Rebello, Monochrome Echo, New Music, Nobody Is Looking At You, Simon Little, Spotify, stratego.nine | posted in Monochrome Echo, Music
New Monochrome Echo EP Zebraprint Out Now!!!

Those of you following my Monochrome Echo stuff will probably be aware of this already but I thought it was about time I posted about it here on the blog for those that missed it.
Following the release of the first full-length album I Remember My Dreams back in June, I have just put out my third EP as Monochrome Echo. This is my electronic project in case you’ve been hiding under a rock somewhere. I’ve been releasing music under this name for a while now and it’s pretty much become the new face of my solo output.
The album is available digitally everywhere (There are no physical copies I’m afraid; but those of you that fancy a copy of my album can get one of the very limited edition cassettes via Wizard of Loneliness in the states), but as always the best place to get it is from my official Monochrome Echo Bandcamp Page where you can download it in whatever high-quality format you prefer.
At my Bandcamp page you can also buy the full Monochrome Echo back catalogue (including the brand new EP) as a bundle with a nifty 25% discount. You know it makes sense. Here’s a handy player so you can have a listen and a massive button to click to help you buy the record and support my music!
For the cheapskates amongst you the album is also available to stream on Spotify etc, as are all the other releases. Don’t forget to follow me on Spotify too so you can keep up to date with all the latest tracks and curated playlists! I particularly recommend my Inspiration Information playlist which has a whole bunch of the tracks that inspire my music. Enjoy!
no comments | tags: bandcamp, Bandcamp, downtempo, electronic, EP, Monochrome Echo, New Music, playlist, Simon Little, Spotify, Zebraprint | posted in Monochrome Echo, Music
So by now you all know that I’m producing electronic music under the name Monochrome Echo. So far I’ve put out two EPs and most recently my first full-length album, I Remember My Dreams.
Incidentally, the awesome Wizard of Loneliness in the US has just put out a very limited cassette run of my album. There are only 50 copies of this so if you want one you’d better head over to his Bandcamp page and snap one up before they all go.
Just after the album came out I was approached by Touch Loops, a London-based company that produces boutique loop and sample packs. They’d heard the record and asked me to produce my own sample pack referencing both my own music and similar artists like Shigeto and Tycho. I was a big fan of their sample collections so it was a no brainer to get involved. I headed back into studio corner for a few weeks…
My Touch Loops pack Ethereal Beats was released a few weeks ago. You can check out the demo below. I’m really pleased with how it came out.
Here’s the blurb from Touch Loops:
Ethereal Beats is an exploration into the stunning, enchanting world of organic electronica & Hip-Hop. With references as far and wide as Flying Lotus, Shigeto & Tycho this eclectic sample collection will instantly become your new go-to for stunning sounds, endless inspiration and incredible musicianship. Â
Performed and designed by the incredibly talented artist Monochrome Echo, this beautiful collection of processed acoustic loops & samples showcases perfectly the work of a musician who has mastered his craft. From glistening guitar loops to processed analogue bass lines, evolving arpeggios to manipulated live drums and pianos this truly inspiring collection is just asking to be twisted, manipulated and embraced.  Sounds wonder and stray from usual providing an off kilter palette that’ll form the perfect foundation for your next stunning composition. Â
As well as the usual drum one shots we’ve also included a collection of instrument hits that are perfect for dropping into your sampler of choice ensuring the most flexibility from this bespoke sample pack. Â Whether you produce Hip-Hop, beats, electronica or are looking for something that little bit different this collection guarantees to offer everything your sample collection has been crying out for.Â
Size: 969.7Mb
Loops: 215
Ones: 104
It is available direct from Touch Loops, plus many of the big sample pack retailers online, priced at a very reasonable £24.00.
Since it’s release Touch Loops have teamed up with Blend.io in the states (who released my first EP 64 Souls) to host a remix contest featuring Ethereal Beats. You can win a copy of the pack, plus all of Touch Loops’ June releases and Geist 2 by Expansion. It’s open to producers worldwide so head over to Blend.io the enter. Apparently I get to be one of the judges. Excellent.

no comments | tags: Bandcamp, Blend.io, ethereal beats, I Remember My Dreams, Monochrome Echo, Touch Loops | posted in Monochrome Echo, Music, Recording