Facebook… Friend or Foe?
Hello folks,
Well as some of you may know, I signed up for Facebook during the week. And it’s been a very interesting experience let me tell you…
The only reason I originally signed up was because there was a link on he Warr guitars website for their Facebook page. Unlike MySpace, you cannot view anyone’s profile unless you are a member, and more often than not, accepted as their friend. Okay… So I signed up. Next thing I knew I was up until 6.30 in the morning hunting down all my old school mates, people from college and all my muso friends.
Judging by the number of people I found that are using it already, I’m a bit behind the times… but I’m now thoroughly obsessed with Facebook. It’s like a drug. I find myself booting up the laptop far more often than normal, mainly to see whether it’s my go on Scrabulous. I’m thinking this cannot be a good thing. Can’t be healthy…
Facebook has been great for finding long lost friends. I’ve finally managed to find my best friend from primary school, after years of searching myspace etc. And a bunch of people I’d completely lost contact with have come out of the woodwork and sent me little messages. Hopefully I’ll go forth and actually meet up with them in the real world rather than over the internet… We’ll see.
I always thought of Facebook as a poor-man’s MySpace, mainly aimed at bored office-workers. And to a degree, I still think that’s probably the case. But having immersed myself for a few days, I can see the attraction. I’ve come to the conclusion that Facebook can be a great tool for keeping in contact with your friends and colleagues. Kind of like a free version of Friends Reunited, coupled with an elaborate messaging service.
I can’t see me getting any more gigs off the back of Facebook. Unlike MySpace, which serves as a virtual shop window for musicians, Facebook seems more personal. But I don’t think thats a bad thing. I’m notoriously crap at keeping in contact with my friends and I’m hoping that Facebook will somehow help to readdress this situation. I find myself chatting with people I haven’t spoken to for years, simply because they’re online at the same time as me.
Until next time…
Si x