Office Politics Out Today!
It’s official folks. The new album by The Divine Comedy Office Politics is out today!
I’m presuming you’ve all got your copies already. You have? Excellent.
The first single Queuejumper was released back in April with this rather excellent video.
This was followed by Norman & Norma last week and now the album is finally here!
We had a great time making this record and I think you’re gonna love it. We had our pre-release show at Prizm in Kingston on Wednesday and the new songs sounded great. We also did an acoustic session on Chris Evans’ Virgin Radio show last Friday which I think you can still hear if you go to the Virgin Radio website. Don’t hang about though, it won’t be there for long. In case you missed it, here’s us playing Norman & Norma.
There’ll be a big European tour in the Autumn. The dates are all up on the Divine Comedy website. It’s gonna be a blast. Hopefully we’ll see you there and in the meantime enjoy Office Politics 😉